The Reiki Principles

5 Reiki Principles for Happiness & Spiritual Healing

Just for today I will… is a call to live in the present and that means to make one’s choices in the present.

  • Just for today I will let go of anger.

  • Just for today I will let go of worry.

  • Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings.

  • Just for today I will do my work honestly.

  • Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing.

Reiki is more than just another healing technique, much more. The practice of Reiki can unfold into a spiritual path of great depth and beauty. Being a channel for the energy essence of Divine Love is not a state that one would enter for the length of a treatment and then go back to “normal”. Being a channel for Reiki affects every moment of our lives, every perception, every choice and every action. As the practice of Reiki unfolds into a spiritual path, we flow Reiki not just from our hands but also from our hearts, our actions, thoughts and feelings.

The Reiki Principles provide a valuable guidance for attuning everyday life to the Universal Life Force Energy.

Just for today I will let go of anger.

Anger is often a response to a feeling of powerlessness or of being out of sync with our environment, our life purpose, our Spirit. Letting go of anger is not suppressing it. Feel the feeling and as soon as possible, get the message, take action and let the emotion go. Unreleased anger drains people’s energy badly and makes it less easy for their bodies to maintain good health.

In adults, anger is also fuelled by the illusion that we wouldn’t create what we experience in life. The causes for the experience are projected onto the outside and thereby one gives one’s power away to mere triggers and mirrors. Letting go of anger begins with welcoming it as a reminder to reclaim one’s power and take responsibility for one’s experiences.

Just for today I will let go of worry.

To worry is to invest some of one’s mental-emotional energy into possible results that one does not want. Worrying about your past is futile since the past is gone. Worrying about your future is unhelpful because it channels one’s energy into the creation of unwanted results. Letting go of worry begins with remembering that there is a divine or universal purpose in everything. Accept the choices you have made in the past and preserve the learnings. Reclaim your energy by releasing the feeling that things could have or should have been otherwise. When thinking about your future, invest your power of expectation into thinking of possible positive results.

Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings.

The attitude of gratitude and the focus on the positive in our lives are the keys to experiencing abundance. Abundance is much more than just the availability of lots of things and money. It is a natural state of trust and joy. It is the realisation that all is being provided for since all is an expression of Divine Love.

When we feel thankful for what we are, have and do, we will magnetically attract abundance of every kind into our lives (karma and other factors permitting).

 Just for today I will do my work honestly.

“Work” in this context means more than just work. It refers to what we practise and cultivate, our path, including our thinking and feeling. The meaning of “doing my work honestly” expands to being honest with myself and everyone else in my life. It means that I “walk my talk” and that I’m willing to learn what I need to learn.

True harmony can unfold only in a climate of honesty. Denial and lies create conflicts which consume tremendous amounts of peoples’ life energy. Honesty with oneself means to listen to one’s Spirit and to be true to it even when it tells us things we don’t want to hear because we imagine unpleasant consequences.

Honesty is the basis for any mastery. Two contemporary masters describe spiritual mastery as “a level of consciousness that knows no conflict with the Divine” “but is aligned with the Divine so that one’s own choices are Divine choices.”. Honesty is necessary for consciousness to be able to evolve. Imagine that every thought of yours was a suggestion to your unconscious mind and a prayer to Spirit – what would you be thinking?

Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing.

This Reiki Principle can be understood as a variation of the Sacred Truth that “all is one”. The interconnectedness of all that exists (and even all that doesn’t exist) is a scientific fact today. All of our thoughts, feelings and actions affect everything else. When we show love and respect for the world around us then we create a world of love and respect that much more.

 Just for today…

Each Reiki Principle begins with these three words. “For the rest of my life I will…” could be an overwhelming commitment. “Just for today…” reminds us that all commitments are to be renewed daily, that every new day, in fact every new moment presents us with choice. The idea is not to wake up to a “higher reality” only to fall asleep again in “higher habits”.

“Just for today…” is a call to live in the present and that means to make one’s choices in the present.

Are you interested in learning to practice Reiki yourself and share the benefits?

As a Reiki Master I offer training that includes Reiki First Degree, Second Degree, and Reiki Master Practitioner.
All courses are taught personally in small groups to maximise the learning experience, or 1-2-1 sessions can be arranged.

Reiki Divine, Nici Pickering. Accredited Therapist.
Every Reiki Divine experience is as unique as you are.


The sun sees your body. The moon sees your soul. Supermoon incoming


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