Leap Day Energy

Best Use of Leap Day Energy

What do you wish to leap beyond in your life right now?

Would you like to create more energy and time for something you love doing?

Now is the time to send your intentions to the Universe and make the best use of the energy of a leap day.

Leap Day, February 29th, 2024. Leap days occur every 4 years, said to help balance the calendar. Why is the 29th in a month special you may ask we have them in every other month? – Well the 29th of February is a rare combination of numbers and consequently rare energy to experience.

From a numerological perspective 29 breaks down to 11 (2+9), for spiritual enlightenment. In numerology, 2 is the number of pursuing your soul purpose. A feminine energy that helps us to birth our creations and bring our ideas into action. When 11 (29th) and 2 (February) come together, their energy forms to create a powerful time for love, healing, and teaching. And can represent spiritual message providing guidance on our path and purpose. Help us to take a leap, a leap of faith.

On a personal note, I have the opportunity to book a client in for Reiki Therapy, usually spiritually active, so we will certainly be considering what intentions we will be setting and discussing direction on the things we love to do.

Technically gaining an extra day in this day and age is a blessing, we all have so much to do and long to do lists that take over pleasures, so take the day, enjoy its vibe, and consider what it is you love doing. You don’t need to dwell and assess your current state of life - but rather dream about how you want to shape it.

Set the intention, everything is just a moment of awareness, and your job is to live in that awareness, live the life you dream of. So that we can start to understand our purpose – keep an open mind.

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Reiki Divine, Nici Pickering. Accredited Therapist.
Every Reiki Divine experience is as unique as you are.


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